SORT IT 2021
Communications on health
issues in Murmansk
Congratulations to the wi
nner!!! Together we are t
Reduce the Burden of Tube
rculosis in the Komi Repu
Health system competence
and capacity building on
Health and Prevention Go
Hand in Hand
Health Communication 2017
Health action in Turdeevo
World no tobacco day
Day of protection of chil
Kargopol work days
Welcome to Bereznik!
conference report 28-29 j
une 16
Events in Velsk district
Volunteers in Kargopol
Seminar in Kholmogory
IV Congress Ftisiatr Nati
onal Assosiation
Scientific-practical conf
erence on results of work
Yarensk 2015
16.10.2015 MBOU "Secondar
y school Lukovetskaya"
7.10.2015 Kargopolsky mun
icipal district
Solovki: "Forewarned is p
Training of volunteers in
Novodvinsk and Severodvi
The contest of creative w
orks "Breathe easy"
Summing up the results fo
r 2014
Interregional scientific-
practical conference
Visit Norwegian partners
Against breast cancer
The youth of Krasnoborsk
: we are for a healthy li
Round table: Krasnoborsk
Saturday in Children Sana
torium Branch
Shining other
We are against bad habits
Mom, dad, I - sports fami
Winter sports and the Oly
The work of the participa
nts of contest "White Dai
The contest "White Daisy"
-2014 Severodvinsk
The contest "White Daisy"
The project "forewarned i
s protected" 13-15.09.201
24.03.13 Worldwide day ag
ainst TB
Conference on the preve
ntion of TB in PLWHA 2-5
The Project "Sputniki"
The joint meeting in th
e Barents region
Colleagues advise
International training
Started a new project
The Seminar In Norway
The conference in Sykty
Children sanatorium branc
Health group