Best Practices Applied in the Arkhangelsk Oblast to Share with the Partners
Best Practices Applied in the Arkhangelsk Oblast to Share with the Partners 25.10.2019

Best Practices Applied in the Arkhangelsk Oblast to Share with the Partners

According to experts, the model of the triumvirate that has been developed in the Arkhangelsk Oblast - a partnership of practical healthcare (TB service in the civil and penitentiary sector), science and education (NSMU) and the third party (Easy Breathing Charity Fund) - has proved its effectiveness in prevention of tuberculosis, tuberculosis and HIV and is proposed for implementation in other territories. The EB Fund, together with partners, continues this cooperation, spreading the accumulated knowledge.

From October 14 to 18, 2019, in the framework of Russian-Norwegian cooperation on projects aimed at reducing the burden of tuberculosis in the Republic of Komi and the Murmansk Oblast, a training was conducted at the workplace of the specialists of the Arkhangelsk TB service.

Dmitry Perkhin, the Head Doctor of the Arkhangelsk Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary, introduced colleagues to the activities of the Dispensary, which is the center for the fight against tuberculosis in our region. The best practices that are used in the Arkhangelsk Oblast for the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis were also presented.

Andrei Maryandyshev, Head of the Department of Phthisiopulmonology, MD, professor, chief phthisiatrician of the Arkhangelsk Oblast and the Northwestern Federal District of Russia, shared the prospects of introducing new shortened treatment regimens for tuberculosis and the possibilities of using new, effective anti-TB drugs in the treatment. The issues of improving the legislative framework in this direction were discussed.

Phthisiatricians from Murmansk and Syktyvkar visited the dispensary antituberculosis department of the Severodvinsk 1st City Hospital, whose specialists began to implement the Russian-Norwegian project "Severodvinsk - a City Free of Tuberculosis."

The project aims to detect tuberculosis in people who have a difficult life situation and are not able to be examined - these are unemployed, homeless, migrants. More often people with reduced immunity get tuberculosis. Therefore, the efforts of medical workers and other services are aimed at involving this group of the population in the examination, which is carried out in the TB dispensary department of the 1st City Hospital of Severodvinsk. If a person has tuberculosis or is only infected, the patient receives appropriate treatment. In the future, people who have received preventive treatment will not get tuberculosis. In the dispensary antituberculosis department of Severodvinsk, patient-oriented practices are used in the treatment, which allow achieving high results in curing tuberculosis.


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