Severodvinsk Medical Community Objectives to Reduce the Burden of TB and TB/HIV to the Possible Minimum in the Coming Years
Severodvinsk Medical Community Objectives to Reduce the Burden of TB and TB/HIV to the Possible Minimum in the Coming Years 15.11.2019

Severodvinsk Medical Community Objectives to Reduce the Burden of TB and TB/HIV to the Possible Minimum in the Coming Years

On November 12, 2019, the Severodvinsk 1st City Hospital hosted the conference with the title Severodvinsk Medical Community Objectives to Reduce the Burden of TB and TB/HIV to the Possible Minimum in the Coming Years. The conference was attended by more than 60 medical workers of the city of shipbuilders.

The conference was organized by the leadership of the 1st City Hospital and EB Fund.

The goal of the conference is to determine the objectives of the medical community of Severodvinsk in the nearest future in achieving the goals pronounced by the World Health Organization - to eradicate tuberculosis as a common infectious disease. The conference was attended by R. N. Kartashova, Head Doctor of the 1st City Hospital, N. I. Nizovtseva, Chair of EB Fund, S. A. Burmina, General Practitioner of the 1st City Hospital, N. A. Vlasova, Head of the dispensary TB department.

The top priority for the medical community, representatives of state institutions, public organizations and volunteers is to reach vulnerable groups for TB screening - people who suffer due to loss of work or home; people living with HIV and other diseases.

A proposal from medical workers and students of the medical college arised to organize and conduct a campaign in the shopping mall to attract the population to be screened for tuberculosis and other diseases.



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