Modern TB Monitoring System Day 1
Modern TB Monitoring System Day 1 23.09.2020

Modern TB Monitoring System Day 1

Within the Russian-Norwegian cooperation in the field of healthcare, the international seminar "Modern tuberculosis monitoring system" started on 23.09.2020. It is held in the format of a video conference and will last 4 days. The seminar is attended by more than 30 people, mostly specialists of the TB service of the region.

Participants of the seminar have the opportunity to ask questions and join the discussion online. The seminar is led by Andrey Maryandyshev, chief phthisiatrician of the Arkhangelsk Oblast and the North-Western Federal district, and the main speaker today was Einar Heldal, Adviser of LHL International (Norway). Topic of his report: Making sense out of TB data. The workshop discussed many issues related to the accuracy and completeness of data collection, analysis, and ways to systematize them for use in defining specific goals for reducing morbidity and mortality from this infection.









  Einar Heldal Presentation


  Einar Heldal Article

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